The Quarter-Year Crisis

Take Time to Pause
We know about mid-life crisis and even a quarter-life crisis. We also know all about year-end fatigue; in fact, it kind of feels like we’re still experiencing that very same fatigue even though a new year has started. We’re already a quarter way through the year and a lot of people are experiencing the “quarter-year” crisis, it’s not a thing but it should be!

With the seasons changing, mornings staying darker for longer and daylight coming to an end earlier, all the greens changing colour, many people’s moods reflect these changes too. Colloquially referred to as the winter blues, seasonal affective disorder (also known as “SAD”) is a clinical diagnosis related to the shortening of daylight hours, according the Phila team. This condition is also often linked to something specific such as stressful holidays and missing loved ones. Right now, this is even more likely because we’re coming off the holiday season, which is often spent with loved ones, going into another holiday period that is mostly spent with loved ones on top of this happening during the change of seasons.

It is important to take time to check in with ourselves mentally on a regular basis. For some, the winter blues are temporary but for others, the symptoms last longer and turn into a case of seasonal affective disorder which is a mood disorder characterized by depression that occurs at the same time every year. Other people may also experience seasonal anxiety. All of these are very real and should be taken seriously.
If you or someone you know start to experience prolonged feelings of sadness or irritability, even if you don’t think that they are related to the change of season, please reach out to a health professional.
Remember to use these shorter days to rest and recharge, be mindful about your diet and getting some movement in as well as quality sleep. Set healthy boundaries for yourself and stick to them.
Take time to pause and reset for the second quarter, always make selfcare your priority. This will enable you to show up as your best in everything you do.
1. American Academy of Family Physicians. Seasonal Affective Disorder. ( Accessed 12/26/2021.
2. American Psychiatric Association. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). ( Accessed 12/26/2021.
3. National Institute of Mental Health. Seasonal Affective Disorder. ( Accessed 12/26/2021.
4. Specifiers for depressive disorders: With seasonal pattern. In: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM-5. 5th ed. Arlington, Va.: American Psychiatric Association; 2013. Accessed 12/26/2021.
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